Factions RPG » World of Factions » Tutorials

Here are some walk-throughs, to give you a peek into the Other Court system.

Tutorial II: Special Abilities

Each Special Ability has the following parts.

  • Level:
  • Effect:
  • Temp Focus Cost:
  • Use Dif:
  • Range Type:
  • Duration:
  • Default Resistance:

An example Special Ability is Burst Strength. It's from the Body Special Ability Skill list, which governs reality-bending feats that transform the user's own form. These are self-only, and so have no Counter.

Burst Strength
  • Level: 11
  • Effect: Each success is +2 Power, up to +12.
  • Temp Focus Cost: 2
  • Use Dif: 9
  • Duration: 1 Round
  • Default Resistance: Toughness
Step #1

Spend required temporary Focus.

Step #2

Check for range modifiers.

Step #3

Make Special Ability Skill check for type.

Step #4

If the Special Ability is on a target that wants to defend itself, the target rolls Reaction + Supernatural: Ability vs. 12.

Step #5

If the target succeeds in Step #4, they can use any appropriate Counter Special Ability in defense.

Step #6

Target rolls out the Counter Special Ability.

Step #7

Roll Default Resistance listed for the Special Ability, vs. 12. Divide successes by 2.

Step #8

Subtract any Counter Special Ability successes, and remaining Default Resistance successes, from the character's Special Ability successes.

Example #1: Using Burst Strength

Step #1

Nix spends 2 temporary Focus.

Step #2

Burst Strength is a self-only Special Ability. Nix can skip worrying about range.

Step #3

Nix rolls his Body Special Ability Skill, and ends up with a 13. This is 4 successes.

Step #4-6

Nix is using this on himself, so he skips the defense steps.

Step #7

Nix rolls Toughness, and gets a 14. That's 2 successes over 12, divided by 2, is 1 success.

Step #8

The 1 success of Default Resistance, subtracted from the 4 successes of Skill use, leaves 3 success. Nix gains +6 Power for 1 Round.

Example #2: Using Confusion

Confusion is from the Psychic Manipulation group of Special Abilities. These govern reality-bending that affect others' minds. These are Countered by Psychic Defense Special Abilities.

  • Effect: Every 2 successes gives the target -1 PEN, up to -5 PEN, due to mental confusion.
  • Temp Focus Cost: 1
  • Use Dif: 6
  • Range Type: Short
  • Duration: Scene
  • Default Resistance: Coercion
Step #1

Reggie spends 1 temporary Focus.

Step #2

Reggie's range to Nix is 5 meters. Since Confusion is on the Short Range type, this translates into a -5 to his roll (-1 for every meter).

Step #3

Reggie rolls his Psychic Manipulation Skill, and gets a 13, -5 for range. His final score is 8, for 2 successes.

Step #4

Nix rolls Reaction + Supernatural: Ability, and gets a 12. Nix just made it, and can resist.

Step #5

Nix doesn't have a Psychic Defense Special Ability, so he can't Counter.

Step #6

This Step is skipped for this situation.

Step #7

Nix rolls Coercion vs. 12, and gets a 15. The 3 successes divided by 2 is 1.5, rounded down, is 1.

Step #8

The 1 success of Default Resistance, subtracted from Reggie's 2 successes, leaves 1 success. Nix gets -1 PEN due to confusion, which lasts the Scene.